Mr. Rachid Gherbi, researcher at the University Paris Sud Saclay (Computer Science Department), hosted a lecture on "Virtual and Augmented Reality: A multi-disciplinary challenge" on Tuesday, January 10
th , 2017 at CERIST.

Summary :

Virtual and Augmented Reality is an immersive, visual, sound and / or haptic simulation of real or imaginary environments, the purpose of which is to allow a person (or several) sensory-motor and cognitive activity in an artificial world. , and that can be associated with reality. But it is also the search for a human-machine communication via a multimodal interaction that combines several channels of communication between the user and this environment, such as gesture and speech, or two-handed interfaces on interactive table. ..

Allowing one user, or even multiple users, to interact as naturally as possible with an immersive environment creates the right conditions for a better cognitive approach. These areas involve the cooperation of several scientific fields and even several disciplines in the same field. In his presentation, Mr. Gherbi, took stock of the issues and approaches of this topic and he illustrated it with several applications.