

Ms. Ouazoug, born Benabderrahim Kahina, computer graphics designer (External Relations and Communication service of CERIST)  was the winner of the graphic design contest: "Create COMARES logo " launched by the  Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF).

Ms. OuaZzoug has applied for the competition to design a logo symbolizing the North African Conference of Higher Education Facilities Officers (COMARES), launched by the North African office of the AUF for students of Tunisian, Algerian and Moroccan institutions members of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie. These candidates had to find inspiration in the "Maghreb without borders" card,  the brand image of North African Office of the AUF. During the General Assembly of COMARES held in Morocco from 9th  to 11th  Feb 2015, Ms. Ouazzoug was honored and her proposed logo was chosen from thirty other proposals.